TSolo315 MturkCrowd
Six years of turking experience

Accessory Scripts

Helpful tools

HIT Forker

HIT Forker is a offshoot of HIT Finder (from MTurk Suite) built to interact with Panda Crazy. When using this you can send HITs from the HIT Forker HIT table directly to Panda Crazy.

Panda Crazy Helper

A Panda Crazy companion script that adds buttons on several Mturk related sites and scripts that will interact directly with Panda Crazy.

Mturk Hourly

Saves information about how long a HIT took you to complete and the hourly pay rate of said HIT. This information can be viewed on your dashboard.


Converts plain text links into hyperlinks. Useful for some batches.

Nifty Split

A chrome extension that will split the window in two and open all links in the second window, maintaining the first. Useful when working on certain batches.

Group ID History

Keeps a log of the group IDs of all HITs you have viewed.

Mturk Slow or Just Me?

A daily leaderboard for MTurk earnings where you can compare how well you are doing to others.

Qual Sorter

Creates a sortable and searchable database of all the qualifications you own. Rather useful for checking if you have a certain qualification, as there is no search function available on Mechanical Turk.

No HIT Reloader

Reloads a HIT if it hasn't loaded and No HIT reloader has been turned on for it. Useful for a batches that are being throttled.

Embiggen Radio Buttons and Checkboxes

Makes radio buttons and checkboxes bigger and easier to click.

Uncheck Radio Button

Allows you to unclick buttons that would normally not allow you to do so.

MTurk Submit HIT Hotkey

Sets the ~ key as a hotkey to submit HITs.

Dashboard Enhancer

Adds a "Today's Activity" section to your dashboard that displays information about your earnings and pay rate on a particular day.

Dark Theme

Changes the default white Mturk color scheme to a darker one. Scroll to the bottom and click the "Install style as userscript" link.

Dark Blue Theme

Changes the default white Mturk color scheme to a darker blue one. Scroll to the bottom and click the "Install style as userscript" link.