Six years of turking experience
Six years of turking experience
A new type of hotkey.
What is a Hotstring?
In previous tutorials you have learned that a hotkey is set using the format f1::. There is a second type of hotkey known as a hotstring. A hotring is most commonly used as a quick way to expand abbreviations, but can also be used to launch any scripted action. The hotkey format is as follows: ::abr::. In the following example, when you type "abr" and then a space, AHK would automatically replace "abr" with the word abbreviation.
Here is an example of a hotstring being used in place of a hotkey:
sendinput ^l
sleep 500
sendinput www.youtube.com
sleep 500
sendinput {enter}
Hotstring Options
In the above example you may have noticed *B0 placed between the first and second colon. This was done to set a few options on the hotstring. Here is a list of available options:
Practical Example
Here is a practical example of using hotstrings to make a HIT on Mturk more efficient. Imagine there was a HIT in which you had to visit a website and input the website's category in a text field on the HIT page.
::ae::Arts and Entertainment
::bc::Business and Consumer Services
::cs::Community and Society
::ce::Computers Electronics and Technology
::ec::E-commerce and Shopping
::hf::Health and Fitness
You get the idea.
Next Tutorial: Click and Scroll